December 12, 2014

不一样的饭后甜点♥A Pie Thing @Damansara Uptown

不一样的饭后甜点♥A Pie Thing @Damansara Uptown
真的太多美食想要介绍给大家啦!因为姐也是吃货一名)))奸笑.....其实这家印象好像是开不是很久,然后每次回家都会经过,由于它的牌太大而且在晚上时很亮,所以很引人注目呢~之前有几次都想试试,无奈它是下午才经营呢,终于给我逮到机会来这里试试啦)))笑.... ♥ 一家位于uptown的A pie t…

December 11, 2014

生日篇 ♥ Fuzio Bar & Restaurant

生日篇 ♥ Fuzio Bar & Restaurant
今天必须好好写一写生日篇,终于有时间更新部落格了。。。。。首先谢谢亲爱的为我安排的生日之夜,哈哈,太感动了啦,属于我们两个闺蜜的夜晚,Yayyyyyy!!! 超喜欢这张滴,10年友谊万岁,期待更多更多的10年  +KarenJou ♥ 通常我的写文作风第一张一定会po餐厅外面的照片,因为这样如果你们想去…

December 10, 2014

Win A FREE Skydiving Adventure Worth RM3000 @

<Adv> Win A FREE Skydiving Adventure Worth RM3000 @
Holaaaaa,here another exciting news for you alll!!! Seeties is giving away 7 FREE skydiving adventures, each of them worth RM3,000! Yes, you read it r…

December 6, 2014

Lazada's IN-HOUSE,Fashion Lable LZD launch @Tanzini Restaurant

Lazada's IN-HOUSE,Fashion Lable LZD launch @Tanzini Restaurant
Sorry for the long late post!I'm here to bring an exciting news to you all!Congratulation to Lazada officially launch their own in-house label &q…